Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nelson Mandela "long walk to freedom"

Well, first of all Nelson is a remarkable man ... He can be sharp. He can be moody, but he is naturally very warm and he fits into the leadership stage. He has the ability to conduct himself as a leader and he fits into the leadership position.. He had qualities of leadership, and he was the best man to handle the situations. Even the demand he had for him to see the head of the prison and made the a list of complaints that he was not happy with during his sentence. It is a unique decision he made. Therefore, let us not hesitate to classifiy Mandela as a special leader than others. Can't you see that he even refused to take the trousers that was meant for him? Why do you think he did so? He considered the rights of others also that they were suppose to get also the trouser rather than the khaki they had, but not only him. Hence, Mandela foughts for his and others rights and he didn't let their dignity to be taken away by the guards.

Monday, October 11, 2010


According to the short story "FEAR", the grandfather had fear of death while the grandchild had fear of thunder. Death and thunder are all natural things, but it is not normal to have fear of death like a grandfather had. I think everyone his or her last destination is just death and I believe everyone will die. I can not understand someone telling me that he or she is afraid of death. Let us just take it easy and understand the way God created the things within the world.

I can understant the fear of a boy since he was afraid of thunder. I thihk the boy was afraid due to the sound which was sounding so strange, that is why he was always asking his grandfather what was going to happen if he heard the sound. This boy is just like me. I actually use to go under blankets when it is about to rain. Anyways i am trying to cope with the situation. On my opinion, it is normal to have fear of some things which are understandable but not death.

Monday, October 4, 2010

fuckn day nigga

Hi fellows, my blog's address is lkateyanasri. It will be very great to share and comment on each others issues within the blog. Hence, could you please send me your blogs address.

I really  went through thick and thin to come up with this type of online diary. To be honest, i did not know the steps on how to do this. Anyways, it is now enjoyable because i have succeeded. Welcome guys...............