Monday, October 11, 2010


According to the short story "FEAR", the grandfather had fear of death while the grandchild had fear of thunder. Death and thunder are all natural things, but it is not normal to have fear of death like a grandfather had. I think everyone his or her last destination is just death and I believe everyone will die. I can not understand someone telling me that he or she is afraid of death. Let us just take it easy and understand the way God created the things within the world.

I can understant the fear of a boy since he was afraid of thunder. I thihk the boy was afraid due to the sound which was sounding so strange, that is why he was always asking his grandfather what was going to happen if he heard the sound. This boy is just like me. I actually use to go under blankets when it is about to rain. Anyways i am trying to cope with the situation. On my opinion, it is normal to have fear of some things which are understandable but not death.


  1. You have just talked about the fear of death, If I would tell you that you are going to die today will you not run away.........?Therefore the old man also want to live, he is frighten to live the planet..........

  2. Its true, the old man's fear was abnormal. why should we fear death if we are all going to die.I think the grandfather was thinking of the sweet memories that he had with his wife, because his wife died he started thinking about death.But you did not answer the whole question, learn how to follow the instructions

  3. What about phobia part dude? Anyways i don't agree with you because I think the old man fear was normal. If we are to think logically will you not be afraid of death if for instance you were not ready to die (not born again)? Of coarse you will be afraid to go burn in hell, so don't blame the old man.

  4. Ouh... did you read the whole question kateya and if it is yes, why you did not answer the whole of it? Anyway I don't agree wit you. Let me say I point a gun to you,are you not going to give me many excuses not to shoot you? That mean you are afraid of death and it is normal.

  5. Yah it’s true that we must not fear death but like the grandson it’s normal to fear the thunderstorm because the guy is small and his not familiar with those big sounds of thunder therefore she must be afraid.

  6. I don't agree with you at that point of saying; having a fear of death is an abnormal feelings. It was stated that the grandfather believe and had that superstition on falling stars. That thing is just like having your traditional believe. Why should we stand against others believes?
